CONREC: Continuous Recommendation of Online Learning Videos Based on Concept Maps

Sungbeom Lee, Beomku Choi, Jungkyu Han, Sejin Chun (2023). Knowledge-aware and Conversational Recommender Systems (KaRS) Workshop@ RecSys. 2023.

Keywords Concept maps, Knowledge graph, Learning video recommendation
International Conference


The global proliferation of COVID-19 has catalyzed a substantial transition from traditional educational settings to online learning environments. This shift has precipitated exponential growth in online educational content on video-sharing platforms like YouTube. However, this abundance of content often leaves learners navigating from the massive number of videos. Many learners struggle to identify learning videos that align with their learning objectives. To cope with the challenge, we present CONREC, a prototype application for online learners that recommends the next learning videos based on concept maps as a network of knowledge the user has learned. CONREC features an adaptive recommendation that re-ranks the candidates of learning videos based on the combined scores between inter-concepts learned and not learned by the user. We implemented a general-purpose interface that allows learners to continuously watch new learning videos and browser the concept maps of the current state in a visual form.

General-purpose interface
